Map your adventures

Combine multiple Strava activities into a single interactive map to share with friends & supporters.

How does it work?

Choose which activities you want to share, enhance and customise and then share your map with friends, family and supporters.
  • Select


    Connect to your Strava account and select the activities you want to add to your map.
  • Enhance


    Customise and enhance your map with a range of filters and overlays to make it truly unique.
  • Share


    Share your map with friends, family and supporters to show off your achievements.
Average Heart Rate
97.4 bpm
Average Speed
6.52 km/h
Elevation Gain
663 m
Avg Temperature
16.9 °C

Effortless Metrics

Weather conditions, photos, performance metrics and more are automatically added to your map when you add your activities.

Give your friends and family a deeper insight into your adventures with just a few clicks.

Featured Maps

Check out some of our favourite maps to get inspiration for your own.
  • Project Africa

    Project Africa

    Russ Cook (AKA The Hardest Geezer) was the first man to run the length of Africa. This map shows his incredible journey.
  • Freiberg to Cape Town

    Freiberg - Cape Town

    Wiebke Lühmann is cycling from Freiberg in Germany to Cape Town in South Africa. This map is updated daily with her progress.
  • Freiberg to Cape Town

    Cromer - Lands End

    Sam Hardy cycled from Cromer to Lands End in 60 hours. This map shows his route, photos and performance metrics.

Ready to get started?

Sign up to start creating your own maps and share your adventures with friends and supporters.

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